Thursday, December 12, 2024

Today's Cartoon Chuckle

That's the work of the great Barry Blitt, of The New Yorker fame, in case you were wondering. And the Charles Bukowski caricature is a particularly droll touch.

BTW -- click on the image to embiggen it.

I should add that, yes, I'm looking forward to seeing Chalamet's Dylan bio-pic, although I'm profoundly skeptical going in.

I mean, he may be a great actor, but he just reads too goyische for me to find him convincing in the role.

Anyway, as you may have suspected -- a coveted PowerPop No-Prize© will be awarded the first reader who gleans the above's relevance to the theme of tomorrow's Weekend Essay Question.


Anonymous said...

Favorite Dylan covers?

- Paul in DK

steve simels said...

You've just set the land speed record. Your coveted No-Prize© is on its way.

mistah charley, sb, ma, phd, jsps said...

1/chalamet looks goyische, admittedly - but although his dad is of protestant background and half canadian [as am i - and as i have stated before, a young jewish woman once said i was "as anglo as white bread" - although mi esposa es una mestiza peruana] wikipedia tells us: His mother, Nicole Flender, is a third-generation New Yorker, of half Russian Jewish and half Austrian Jewish descent.

1.5/and mr. zimmerman himself, while his appearance fully reflects his ancestral background - not that there's anything wrong with that - grew up in minnesota and definitely was shaped by his midwestern early environment

2/hendrix - all along the watchtower
hendrix - please crawl out your window
linda ronstadt - i'll be your baby tonight
peter paul & mary - the times they are a'changing
joan baez - "any day now" the whole double album of covers - i gave it to my dad, the anglo from canada, for christmas - he said he liked it

steve simels said...

Save the covers for tomorrow. We're also gonna be doing least favorites.

Gummo said...

Geez, steve, you're obsessed with the Jewish/goyish thing. It's an age-old tradition to prettify the subjects of movie bios. I mean, Cary Grant played Cole Porter, for crissakes. And even though I was a kid, I clearly remember it was years before it was generally known that Dylan was Jewish, so it wasn't like his looks gave it away immediately.

steve simels said...

He always read Yiddish to me. What can I tell ya.

Cleveland Jeff said...

Paul in DK (Where's DK?) is regularly spot on in comments both here and at Burning Wood.

Gummo said...

Well, there's my Dylan quilt, and my Dylan wool blanket, and --

... oh, wrong kind of covers?

steve simels said...

I saw what you did there.😎

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Dead Kennedys

Allan Rosenberg said...

I hope the new Dylan movie is good. The Beatles 64' was just okay.

Captain Al

ChrisE said...
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