Friday, March 21, 2025

La Fin de la Semiane Essay Question: Special "Authentic Frontier Gibberish" Edition

Oh sweet jeebus, is there nothing this senile cretin and the moronic courtiers around him won't insult our intelligence with?

From the NY Times:

Touring Kennedy Center, Trump Mused on His Childhood ‘Aptitude for Music’

“I have a high aptitude for music,” he said at one point, according to people at the meeting. “Can you believe that?”

Asked about the anecdote, Steven Cheung, the White House communications director, did not directly address it but said that the president “is a virtuoso and his musical choices represent a brilliant palette of vibrant colors when others often paint in pale pastels.” Mr. Cheung said that, given Mr. Trump’s roles as president and Kennedy Center chair, “there is nobody more uniquely qualified to bring this country, and its rich history of the arts, back to prominence.”

Words fail me.

Okay, that off my chest, let me assuage your anxieties by noting that there will be nothing but actual music posting (mostly about new stuff) next week, honest. Cross my geriatric heart.

And that brings us right along to today's business. To wit:

...and your favorite (or least favorite) post-Elvis pop/rock/country/folk/soul/doo-wop/novelty song featuring nonsense (i.e. meaningless) syllables in its title or lyrics is...?

No arbitrary rules -- obviously, what would be the point? 😎

In any case, here's my three faves.

Okay, the Beatles song is sort of a cheat, in that it actually has an important subtext -- in ways that back in the day nobody in the States quite understood (you can read about it HERE). But I still think it fits today's criteria. And hey, it's my blog, so I get the goddamned decisions -- wanna make something of it? 😎😎

I should also add, and for the record, that the Capris thing makes me absolutely swoon. Also: David Seville was a fucking genius.

Alrighty, then -- what would your choices be?

And have a great weekend, everybody!!!


getawaygoober said...

Papa-Oom-Mow-Mow - Rivingtons
Paralyzed - Legendary Stardust Cowboy

Anonymous said...

Koo Koo Kachoo Mrs Robinson by Simon &Garfunkel
Glibby Gloop gloopy nibby nabby noopy.... Good Morning Starshine by Oliver. cringeworthy for sure!

Bill said...

Bo Bo Ska Diddle—Nick Lowe
Shting Shtang—also Nick Lowe

steve simels said...

My friend Glen, the late drummer of the Flo Mos, used to be be able to recite the Oliver lyrics verbatim and complete. Cracked me up something fierce....

Cleveland Jeff said...

Cha Dooky Do — Art Neville
and I'll second Papa-Oom-Mow-Mow, which I loved when it came out,

mistah charley, sb, ma, phd, jsps said...

steve miller - the joker - he speaks of "the pompatus of love"

Blue Ash Fan said...

This will probably elicit some groans, but I have always enjoyed Elton John’s Solar Prestige a Gammon.

Alzo said...

Jet Screamer: Eep Opp Ork Ah Ah

ChrisE said...

A couple of old r&b favorites:

Oo-Ma-Liddi by J.J. Jackson
Yama Yama Pretty Mama by Richard Berry

steve simels said...

Oh god, I love the Richard Berry.

Roger said...

Blue Moon - The Marcels

pete said...

And the "hidden subtext" of Ob La Di, remember the last line "and if you want some fun try Ob La Di Bla Da"? When I was a teenager (when dinosaurs roamed the earth) a girl I knew got a script for some diet pills called Obadrine LA, which, in the Doctors shaky hand, same out as OB LA.

Rob B Mullen said...

The Police - de doo doo doo
The Mother's - Help, I'm a rock

Tinpot said...

America: Horse with No Name.
In the desert you can remember your name
'Cause there ain't no one for to give you no pain
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
I know they're all real words, but damn! That is world class nonsensical b.s.

Anonymous said...

Surfin Bird- The Trashmen

JD Goldberg said...

Frank Zappa - Florentine Pogen
Johnny Cymbal - Mr. Bass Man
Iron Butterfly - Inagaddadavida

Rob said...
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Rob said...

The Kingsmen - Louie Louie
Even less audible than early Michael Style.

steve simels said...

Wow. I had no idea.

MJConroy said...

"Do Wah Diddy Diddy" by Manfred Mann
And least favorite: "Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm" by Crash Test Dummies

MJConroy said...

I am surprised our host did not list Merz Suite/Futt Futt Futt by Tonio K.

danny1959 said...

A lot of people, including me until recently, think that "Do Wah Diddy" is gibberish, but it isn't. Barry and Greenwich didn't know that Diddy Wah Diddy is a mythical place in Southern Black culture. Thank you History of Rock Music in 500 Songs podcast!

Allan Rosenberg said...


Captain Al

ChrisE said...

Another favorite: Shirley Ellis' "The Name Game"

paulinca said...

So many of the late 50s/early 60s doo wop songs, especially "Sh Boom" and "Blue Moon"! Also, some Van the Man songs where he gives us the "argh!"

steve simels said...

“Let’s try Lipschitz!”