Rosie catches sight of....wait, is that.... Holden?!?

DR: I think respecting the genre is important. The songwriters who measure up in this regard are Ray Davies, Morrissey, and Nick Cave. Also Lloyd Cole, and sometimes Leonard Cohen. The ones who fail are people like Sting or Elvis Costello.
B: Why do they fail?
DR: Well, Sting’s problem as a songwriter is that he’s just a little bit smarter than the average person, and he tries to get as much mileage out of that as he can. But he can’t really go that far. I do believe he is smart—but almost in a mathematical, musical way. Not really in a literary sense.
B: Do you mean the early, poppy, reggae stuff? Or are we talking “Dream of the Blue Turtles” here?
DR: Well, I do think Sting has learned from his mistakes (“Don’t Stand So Close To Me,” “Wrapped Around Your Finger,” “Tea In The Sahara,” etc.). So, now that he’s grown out of his pretentiousness, he has nothing really to say.
B: His mispronunciation of Nabokov has had serious effects.
DR: Well, he’s not that smart.
B: But Elvis Costello has a similar split, no? Between something like This Year’s Model and say, “God Give Me Strength”?
DR: Well, Elvis Costello is too smart for his own good. Sting’s not really smart enough to pull off what he wants to do. Elvis Costello will throw everything away just to dazzle you with a phrase. If I ever taught a songwriting class (and I might one day), I would do a week on EC and have students read Samuel Johnson’s comments on the metaphysical poets—a lot of it applies to Elvis Costello!
B: Remind my readers what Johnson said about the metaphysical poets.
DR: Well, basically, that the metaphysicals love to dazzle you with surprising conceits—false wit—and incongruities, wordplay. But the poems don’t really add up to anything meaningful. Johnson saw that the parts were greater than the whole and that that was a serious deficiency. Elvis will throw a phrase like “I’m in a grip-like vice” and you are so dazzled by the brilliance of that that you forget that the rest of the song doesn’t make any sense.
Ladies and Gentlemen ...The Pope:
... Rock music seeks release through liberation from the personality and its responsibility ... [it is] among the anarchic ideas of freedom which today [1985] predominate more openly in the West than in the East. But that is precisely why rock music is so completely antithetical to the Christian concept of redemption and freedom, indeed its exact opposite. Hence music of this type must be excluded from the Church on principle, and not merely for aesthetic reasons, or because of restorative crankiness or historical inflexibility.
On June 25th, Patti Smith will perform "Horses" in its entirety at the Meltdown Festival in London's South Bank Centre. It's the 30th anniversary of her LP debut, and all I can say is, time do fly.
What makes the event even more eventful is that her backup band will include Tom Verlaine and John Cale. I'm certain it will be a more subdued Cale than the one who toured with Patti and played guest-star bass on the "My Generation" encore and had, shall we say, his wayward moments, as when he tried to poke out a stage light with the neck of his bass, missed, the momentum hurling him off stage, where he crashed on top of a ringside table. He had to be carried backstage by Patti's band like a fallen warrior or an injured rugby star. Had he connected with that stage light, he might have electrocuted himself.
Female fans may or may not support female musicians on an individual basis but one thing almost all female fans do is support male musicians. As we should, of course. Unfortunately, the reverse isn't true as often as it should be--a lot men still harbor prejudices against female musicians. On top of that, a lot female fans have absorbed that prejudice and also dislike female musicians out of hand.
The situation is simple enough--male musicians can expect support from men and women, whether they are sexist or not. Female musicians can only expect support from non-sexist fans. Smaller group of people to draw fans from means less fans. Easy enough to understand.
In Wolter and Kimber, The Who in Print, citation 109 (p. 14) says:
Altham, Keith. "Lily isn't pornographic, say Who." New Musical Express, May 20, 1967, 2. A short interview with Townshend and Moon. Townshend defends the lyrics of "Pictures of Lily" and describes the Who's brand of power pop music.
the music industry coined the phrase "new wave" so as not to frighten Middle America with the scandalous label "punk."
Rock music based on an aesthetic developed in the mid 1960's, primarily by The Beatles, The Who, and The Kinks, refined a bit later by The Byrds and The Move (but not delving into full-scale psychedelia, which is something else). Power pop refined itself post-punk, adopting that energy and drive.
1965-66, swamped by psychedelia
1972-74, swamped by disco
1978-81, swamped by synth-pop
1989-91, swamped by grunge
The rich harmonies and layered arrangements of Stephen Lawrenson’s songs will be heard in both an electric set at 7 p.m. Friday at the Rusty Rudder Stage D, and an acoustic set at 11 p.m. that night at booksandcoffee. {He ended up filling in doing a solo set on Saturday evening as well.}
“After being a drummer in my previous band for years, it’s great to be able to strap on a guitar and have some freedom on stage,” he said.
This will be his first time at the Pop Fest, and Lawrenson plans to stay the entire weekend to check out some of the other bands performing.
An idiosyncratic blog dedicated to the precursors, the practioners, and the descendants of power pop. All suggestions for postings and sidebar links welcome, contact any of us.