Rosie crawls as fast as she can away from the laundry (and toward the edge of the bed... eek!).

An idiosyncratic blog dedicated to the precursors, the practioners, and the descendants of power pop. All suggestions for postings and sidebar links welcome, contact any of us.
There's my Rosie Boo!!
So BIG!!
Crawling away from laundry: excellent instinct.
Crawling toward the abyss: not so good.
What's that blue thing she is about to crawl over?
NTodd, no, I want to train my children to crawl *toward* the laundry, thus creating a race of laundry-doing minions who will render my own laundry-doing unnecessary. Problem is, they keep crawling away from the laundry, and I've lost Rosie models 1-4 to the abyss already. Well, we'll keep working on it!
That is some sort of nerf product, possibly a missile, belonging to her brother. Careful study will also reveal a baseball (under her left hip) and other weird little toys. We tend to throw her on the bed with a few toys and try and get something done.
I like the goo trail..
Mom! Mom! Look what I left in the laundry basket!
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