There's no point in asking you'll get no reply
I just remember I don't decide
I got no reason it's too all much
You'll always find us out to lunch
Oh we're so pretty
Oh so pretty
We're vacant
Oh we're so pretty
Oh so pretty
We're vacant
Don't ask us to attend 'cause we're not all there
I don't pretend 'cause I don't care
I don't believe illusions 'cause too much is real
So stop your cheap comment
'Cause we know what we feel
Oh we're so pretty
Oh so pretty
We're vacant
Oh we're so pretty
Oh so pretty
We're vacant
And we don't care!!

Boy, that's a facial expression I find myself making a lot these days.
Yeeeeeah, that's the ticket!
Probably the Pistols' finest hour - though I always thought it was mainly an excuse for Lydon to spit out "vaaaaaaaa-CUNT!"
Apropos of nothing, but that pic looks right out of The Discreet Charm Of The Bougeoisie. Plus, they look hungry. (For blood?)
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