NTodd quotes Slate noting that "Last year, Limbaugh, who used a tailbone defect to get out of the Vietnam draft, accused a Democratic candidate of having served in Iraq 'to pad the resume'." But commenter Interrobang corrects the record.
Rush didn't get deferred from Vietnam because of a "tailbone defect," he had a pilonidal cyst, which is a hair-filled sinus on the skin over the coccyx. The problem is entirely within the skin, and has nothing whatsoever to do with the tailbone itself.
So I looked this thing up (can you tell I'm procrastinating? I have a paper to write.) and it turns out that a pilonidal cyst is a little hairy thing located about here:

Ergo, a tail.
It actually explains a few things, including his being in league with Satan.
Not only does your link send me to close-ups of cyst-ridden butts, but now I have a mental picture of Rush with (as) a cyst-ridden butt.
Ew. Molly. Did we really need to know that on what was going to be a nice lazy Sunday morning?
I haven't laughed so hard in ages...great post. You made my day.
I love you, Mrs. PowerPop Lady.
It gets better...
As I said over at NTodd's, I used to date a guy who had had a pilonidal cyst and had had corrective surgery on it. It left him with a cute and fuzzy vaguely oval bunny-tail type hair patch.
If it helps to picture Rush as a sort of malign Energizer Bunny, go for it. *grin*
Thanks for the linky, NYMary!!
you know, normally, i'd feel a little bad making fun of someone for a physical defect, even a cretin like RL, and i would refrain.
but then he went ahead and made fun of michael j. fox. as if he weren't already going to burn in hell for a multitude of other reasons, including holding a 13-year-old girl up for public ridicule on television, based on.... her physical appearance (i'm referring to the Chelsea Clinton episode).
so i feel alright about using this as another reason to talk smack about rush limbaugh, although my mockery is small potatoes compared to the eternity of torture by billions of flames hotter than the center of the sun (for which he is undoubtedly and unequiovally headed). i mean, come on: who the fuck makes fun of michael j. fox??
your adopted niece
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