As always, a coveted PowerPop No-Prize will be awarded the first reader who gleans the clip's relevance to the theme of tomorrow's Weekend Listomania.
Helpful hint: It's got nothing to do with masturbation. You're welcome.
An idiosyncratic blog dedicated to the precursors, the practioners, and the descendants of power pop. All suggestions for postings and sidebar links welcome, contact any of us.
Best Song by a solo act, or former member of a (somewhat) popular band?
Never noticed the riff rip. Damn.
Noo, but that's a good one I may steal down the line.
Songs with a ref to sleep in the title.
Also good. But nooooooooooooooo.
Artist names referring earlier artists: Bob Dylan, the Little Willies, the Fabulous Beethoven Brothers...
You left out The Brandos and The Brian Jonestown Massacre. And my personal favorite, Kathleen Turner Overdrive.
But no...
Classical rock & roll.
Songs with references to dreams or dreaming?
Perfect pop songs? I supposed that's a little on the obtuse side, though. One hit wonders? It did barely scrape inside the top 40.
Killer harmonies? Bram's songs were like that.
TJWood said...
Songs with references to dreams or dreaming?
No, but that's the closest so far.
Think: fantasy.
"Think: Fantasy"
Songs about me, Ava Gardner, BBQ ribs and Mickey Mantle?
Best songs about sex toys?
songs about wanking
No, it's a very specific fantasy.
And self-referential, now that I think of it.
Wet dreams.
No, by self-referential I mean it has something to do with the blog.
Songs by women our Mr. Simels has crushed on at one point or another?
To these ears it sounded more Who-ish than Broooce-ish, despite the pinched riff. But who cares? A fine way to spend four minutes.
Specific fantasy. Power pop. Songs about the hot chicks you dream about scoring with if you're a pop star?
WV: prodger. You bet I'd prodger if I were in a band!
Songs that aren't about masturbation. That narrows it down.
Uh...I really hate to say this, but it's gonna be a real letdown.
Mea culpa in advance. It's been a rough week...
Songs from the power pop era of the early 80's?
Songs on record labels that begin with PO? :)
Songs about blow up sex dolls?
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