The Byrds never finished this, for reasons that have never been satisfactorily explained to my knowledge, but what survives is, as they say, a hot one. Apparently there are lyrics somewhere, and some group actually covered it, with Crosby's blessing, at some point; if anybody has a clue, I'd love the details. Personally, I've always thought some smart alt-rock guy should write his own lyrics to the track and dub stuff on top of it.
In any case, as always a coveted PowerPop No-Prize will be awarded the first listener who gleans the clip's relevance to the theme of tomorrow's Weekend Listomania.
Sounds like a session drummer. Verification word today? "Roculad."
Songs David Crosby wrote when he was high? Nah, too broad a category. Songs named after sci-fi classics?
The sci-fi songs thing is a good idea, and I will steal it in the future (get it? the future! Jeez -- I'm turning into Ed Wood).
But no, alas.
No, it's Mike Clarke.
Listen to his foot. And the breaks between the verse and chorus.
best uses of the 12-string?
Songs by guys who should have stayed in their original band. (This way we can also tweak Stills & Nash.)
Unfinished songs?
Post-Beatles Songs About Alienation?
No, no and no.
I'm trying to think of a hint...
repetititive meloies?'s something about the song, but nobody's got it yet.
Songs with tambourines?
Good guess.
"Stranger in a Strange Land."
Was covered by Blackburn and Snow
take a listen here:
Thanks for that...I've always wanted to hear that.
Okay -- a hopefully helpful hint.
It has to do with the reissue.
Best bonus track?
TKK --
We have a winner!!!
Kudos and huzzahs, my friend -- your coveted PowerPop No-Prize is on its way to you via swineherd caravan as we speak!
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