I was, of course, trying to hype my at the time just published book Gender Chameleons: Androgyny in Rock 'N' Roll [Arbor House], a literary masterpiece that is unsurpassed and will probably make my name live beyond eternity.
Anyway, here's the deal: I just had the recently rediscovered video master of the show transferred to DVD, and I would dearly like to put my segment up on YouTube. Yet, irony of ironies, I lack even the most rudimentary computer skills necessary to do so.
That being the case -- a coveted PowerPop No-Prize, or perhaps an actual rare and collectible musical artifact from my vast vault, will awarded be the first reader who can put the damn thing up for me.
Oh hell, I'll buy you dinner.
E-mail me, is what I'm saying.
Forgive me, but you appear a tad Sienfeldian in that photo.
I was thinking a little more Kramerish.
It's not the most flattering frame in the video, I'll grant you.
I look better when it's actually moving.
I like the picture you link to. :-)
So did someone volunteer? If not, send it my way!
ah, the glory days of book tours....
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