That being the case, and because posting around here will doubtless be fitful for the next few days, here's a fun little project to help us wile away the hours:
Post-Elvis Pop/Rock Song or Album That Best Embodies Our Current Cultural/Political Moment!!!
No arbitrary rules whatsoever, you're welcome very much. And although I suspect the theme is going to function as a sort of ink blot, ideologically speaking, let me stipulate that we appreciate hearing from all ends of the political spectrum. Although if you come across as a total dick I'll delete your comment so fast your head will spin. So there.
And my totally top of my head Top Six is...
6. Warren Zevon -- Mohammed's Radio
I was going to pick "Lawyers, Guns and Money" at first, but it struck me as a little too predictable.
5. Slade -- Mama Weer All Crazee Now
Or as I like to refer to it -- "The Official Teabagger Fight Song."
4. a-ha -- Scoundrel Days
Mostly for the title. Alas, to my knowledge nobody's actually written a song inspired by Lillian Hellman's "Scoundrel Time," which is really what I was looking for.
3. Joni Mitchell -- Slouching Towards Bethelehem

A more or less straight musical setting of Yeats' "The Second Coming," in case you hadn't noticed. "The best lack all conviction, the worst are full of passionate intensity yada yada yada," and rather depressingly apropos in 2010.
2. Mick Farren -- Vampires Stole My Lunch Money

Too bad Farren didn't get around to writing a title song for this one. I mean, really -- the album came out in 1978 and it's like he knew AIG was going to happen.
And the Numero Uno state-of-our-current-union toe tapper (c'mon, it's not even close, so just roll with it) undoubtedly is --
1. Gary US Bonds -- Out of Work

Song written by a guy who goes by the name of The Boss, BTW, which only adds to the irony.
Alrighty then -- what would YOUR choices be?
[Shameless Blogwhore: My parallel Cinema Listomania -- theme: best or most evocative film titles, exploitation flick or otherwise -- is now up over at Box Office. As always, if you could see your way to going over there and leaving a comment, it would convince management to foot the bill for my upcoming (third annual) trip to Dayton Ohio, France. Thanks!]
The Who, "Won't Get Fooled Again." 'Nuff said.
The Contours, with help from the Nicholas Brothers:
The Kinks - "Dead End Street".
The Jam covered it, too.
and also did "Going Underground". The line about 'braying sheep on my TV screen' is still pretty spot-on.
But end with:
Hüsker Dü - "Makes No Sense At All", from Flip Your Wig. Which pretty much encapsulates everything.
"Goon Squad" by Elvis Costello. Or "Night Rally"...
Frank Zappa - Ain't Got No Shoes
"Monster" by Steppenwolf.
"Hell In A Bucket" by the Grateful Dead just for the line, "We may be goin' to hell in a bucket, babe/but at least I'm enjoyin' the ride."
And if you want to get really heavy-handed, "When In Rome," by the late great Phil Ochs.
I might have more after my morning coffee....
Country At War by X.
If I were as gloomy as you guys, I'd say Til the Day After by Emitt Rhodes, which begins "Oh no, they never learn". But really, Time Will Show the Wiser (Merry Go Round). For my part, "I get all the news I need on the weather report ..."
Elvis Costello's version of "What's So Funny About Peace, Love and Understanding?"
Really, what's so funny?
Pardon the sidebar but -- Hey, Cleveland Bob ... were you singing in front of Johnny's Downtown on West 6th last Monday night? Nice band!
I'd have to pick Zevon's "My Shit's Fucked Up".
That Zevon really was a phrasemaker, wasn't he.
For the unemployed waiting for the Dems to beat down the Repub filibuster-
The Thamesmen: Gimme Some Money
For the soon to be unemployed-
The Kinks: Massive Reductions
For the idiots last winter who said the snowstorms in DC were proof Climate Change is a hoax, and for the losers in the Prop 8 trial-
The Tom Robinson Band: Long Hot Summer
For Wall St-
Harry Nilsson: You're Breaking My Heart
For Obama as he dithers about in Iraq and Afghanistan-
Phil Ochs: The War Is Over
For the rest of us -
Lou Reed: I Can't Stand It
"Eve of Destruction" - Barry McGuire.
But only in the Red Rockers version.
The Thamesmen: Gimme Some Money
When the guys did their Spinal Tap Unplugged show in NYC, Elvis Costello sang lead on Gimme Some Money.
It was a perfect song for him, he should add it to his shows!
Elvis offered to drum for us the next time there's a tragic gardening accident or spontaneous human combustion, but he auditioned and it turned out he's not even as good as Eric "Stumpy Joe" Childs.
Mick Farren has the best 'fro since Marsha Hunt! Yow!
I guess the Temp's "Ball of Confusion" will still work.
That Steppenwolf tune was a boss pick. Those guys could really write a protest song, you know? None of this weepy, whiny shit.
Just one time I'd like to be somewhere
Where none of your clever lies fill the air
I'm tired of your frozen smile and your voice of tin
Just might all gang up on you
Turn the knob and do you in
Remember if you plan to stay
Those who give can take away.
Don't bite the hand that feeds you
"Power Play" - I recommend the live version.
"It's the End of the World as We Know It (and I feel fine)"
"Your Flag Decal Won't Get You Into Heaven Any More"-- John Prine (nicely covered recently by the Red Stick Ramblers).
(I can't get no) Satisfaction.
The clash, nuff said
10cc - Wall Street Shuffle
How Can A Poor Man Stand Such Times As These by (take your pick) Bruce Springsteen, Ry Cooder, New Lost City Ramblers, etc. - AP
I'd like to dedicate my choice to the "greatest deliberative body in the world" with a special nod to Arizona's senior Senator. Bob Dylan - Postively 4th Street.
And for our "indispensible" Fourth Estate, if you'll forgive the dorky reference, but Dirty Laundry comes to mind.
We Can't Make It Here - James McMurtry
This F*cking Job - Drive-by Truckers
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