Actually, the above is a minute or so of session chatter. "I've got phlegm!"
Here's the actual song.
God, I love this record; Greil Marcus called the opening bit "teenage glossolalia," which pretty much nails it, and then it just keeps getting better.
In any case, as always, a coveted PowerPop No-Prize will be awarded to the first reader who gleans its relevance to the theme of tomorrow's Weekend Listomania.
I love Dion. Always have.
Pop stars you've had a crush on since, like, forever? :-)
Songs about confusion?
Songs by one-named performers?
Singers with gender ambiguous names?
Rockers who became folkies who became rockers?
Singers who covered Tom Waits?
FWIW: My first rock n roll concert was Frank Zappa with Dion opening. Cosmic Karma, baby.
Word Verification: Hootpron. Sounds like dirty comedy;>
Rare/odd mixes of well-known songs?
(since that seems to be your obsession lately)
Question songs.
Should I dare say it? Great Doo-Wop songs? Maybe? Done by cool white guys from the Bronx, or any other?
If you need any, I've got a ton.
A new idea, Steve's Doo-Wop Corner. I love Doo-Wop.
No, no, no, no and no.
Although somebody's close; too early for me to say just yet, though.
Nonsense syllables.
Tracks with studio comments or wackiness.
Songs with "why" in the title?
Still no....
I'm trying to think of a clue that wouldn't totally give it away in an instant....
Okay -- somebody guessed it, wrongly, last week.
So I ran with it...
Okay, so, unless I'm missing something, it's got to be songs by Italian-Americans.
What "AP" said last week:
um, songs about being truthful (that is, Frank)?
Close enough.
J.Loslo, your coveted PowerPop No-Prize is coming at you by planaria caravan as we speak.
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