Incidentally, the drummer on this is none other than Jim ("Other Voices, Other Rooms") Gordon, currently a guest of the state of California due to accidentally killing his mother with a butcher knife.
In any case, a coveted PowerPop No-Prize will be awarded to the first reader who gleans the song's relevance to the theme of tomorrow's Weekend Listomania.
Best or worst tempo changes in a song ("No Time")?
Hmm, that DOES sound good. And at least back then Cummings still hit those high notes.
Since you went out of your way to point out Jim Gordon (who along with that other drumming Jim, Keltner, was a mainstay of everybody's bands back in the 70s), I'm guessing musicians who got in trouble with the law?
'Cause I think you've done "time" already.
Too tired to think of anything but the obvious:
Songs about Time
Songs which mention the seasons
Frontmen gone solo
Lead singers with Porn Star names
Drummers who have accidentally killed their mothers with a butcher knife? This one's too easy.
Hmmm, prison songs? Live songs performed by artists at the beloved Bottom Line? Great poster by the way. I was at one of those shows, it was pretty good.
Songs with "no" in the title?
Oh, by the way. Is poor old drumstick/knife wielding Jimmy still in jail? Shame, good drummer.
Gordon's still in the slammer, according to Wiki -- denied parole twice. I doubt he's ever getting out.
I happen to know he has his Grammy for "Layla" in his cell, however. Seriously.
Oh, and so far nobody's guessed.
Got it: Songs that actually need more cowbell.
Hmmm, let's try another tactic:
Songs you have to Guess Who the special guest star is?
Songs about killing, floors or otherwise?
Songs about what you have or have not got? Or got to do?
Anonymous said...
Got it: Songs that actually need more cowbell.
But no....
Best fuzztone guitar work in rock song.
I know this is another completely obscure clue that won't be gotten.
OK. Everybody's parsed the lyrics and come up empty. Let's try another tack, then.
It was recorded at the Bottom Line. So, songs mentioning bottoms, i.e. derrieres? Songs with "top" or "bottom" in the title?
Or we could go with the line thing. Songs that mention geometric or mathematical elements? Songs about cocaine? Song titles that would make good pick-up lines? Who the hell knows?
At least this week the hint tune isn't four minutes of torture.
Songs that center on being early or late?
No, no no no.
I lost track of how many nos -- sorry.
Another week without a Listomania because Steve has no time?
Sorry, couldn't think of anything else...
J.Loslo --
Come on down!
Your coveted No-Prize is winging its way to you by marsupial caravan as we speak.
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