Let's be honest -- fond as I am the tune, it's not remotely one of the Beatles best. And at the time they were working on this, they were barely speaking to each other and in fact in the process of breaking up.
And yet...the level of whole-is-greater-than-the-sum-of-the-parts creativity and inter-group chemistry here is pretty much beyond anything that you or I or other mere mortals will ever accomplish even in our best moments. And Paul's bass playing is downright supernatural, IMHO.
Wow. Just wow.
[h/t Gummo]
According to some reading I've done about this recording, it seems it just George, Paul & Ringo, no John.
Yes, Meet The Threetles.
At about the same time The Threetles were backing Jackie Lomax on his debut album. Can you imagine being a singer songwriter making his first album under those circumstances?
The resulting album is pretty bad, mostly due to the songs and the vocals, but a couple tracks, including George's "Sour Milk Sea", are pretty Fab.
"Sour Milk Sea"
Also featuring Eric Clapton and Nicky Hopkins
What a backup band
regarding this picture of George....
maybe he was in the motorbike accident with Paul?
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