Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Your Wednesday Moment of Words Fail Me: Special "Taylor and Alfred Sittin' in a Tree" Edition

Okay, this is the greatest thing in the history of things.

Seriously -- I was totally unfamiliar with the online magazine in question until cover artist Sam Viviano posted the above on Facebook the other day. (Click on the pic to enlarge -- trust me, you'll be grateful).

HITS covers the recording industry in an impudent, sassy manner; its editors like to think of it as the MAD Magazine of the music biz. Since 1986, it has published 38 anniversary issues. I have illustrated the covers for 24 of these, beginning with the fourth one in 1990, making HITS the longest professional relationship of my career, with the exception of MAD itself.

My covers have included presidents, foreign leaders, convicted murderers, pop stars, a bunch of record industry CEOs and, quite often, Alfred E. Neuman (with the permission of MAD’s legal department, of course). This year’s cover nearly killed me. It featured Taylor Swift.

The editors, Todd Hensley and Simon Glickman, loved my comp — everything but my rendition of Taylor. I assured them that this was just a sketch and I would nail it in the finish. I actually thought I did a pretty good job on Taylor in the finish, but the editors didn’t quite agree. So I tried again. Then again. And yet again. No matter how hard I tried — and I did over 30 sketches of her — my clients weren’t happy. I finally decided to do something I had never done before: give up. I wrote to Todd and Simon that I was unable to capture Taylor Swift in a way that would satisfy them. I suggested they find another artist, because I couldn’t do it.

Then I got a call from Todd Hensley. He told me they had full confidence and were not going to give up on me. He also made a suggestion. I had been trying to depict Taylor reacting in horror or disgust or shock at the image of Alfred on her “Reputation” album; Todd said maybe I should instead try that expression of complete and utter surprise that Taylor makes every single time she wins an award. BINGO! I quickly came up with the drawing I posted last week, patched it onto the illustration and sent it off for Todd and Simon’s approval. To my great relief, they gave it — wholeheartedly and enthusiastically.

The moral? One is never too old or experienced or “professional” to get a pep talk, because this one really did the trick for me. I want to thank HITS for their confidence and patience, and I look forward to having the chance to do it again next year. Even if it kills me.

Hey -- let's just say I'm gonna keep on eye on these guys, starting immediately, over at their website HERE.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I miss Mad magazine. The Hits cover is fabulous, complete with the "High Fidelity" reference.

- Paul in DK