From 1973, please enjoy the smash-hit-in-England-but not-so-much-in-this-country "Everyone's Agreed That Everything Will Turn Out Fine" by Stealer's Wheel.
My god, what a great record (those harmonies! that psychedelic break in the middle!). And to anybody who thinks Stealer's Wheel were nothing more than "Stuck in the Middle..." or a warm-up to Gerry Rafferty's solo career, please to be biting me. 😎
I should add that the 45 version above (which was one of my treasured possessions for years) features a vastly superior arrangement to the version that later wound up on the band's Ferguslie Park LP. Why they re-recorded it I have no idea, as the original is as close to perfection as any record ever gets; as you've heard by now, and as I've said in these precincts before, if "Stuck in the Middle" was the band channeling Dylan, this one is them channeling Revolver and late 60s pop psych in general. Simply gorgeous.
Both versions, however, were produced by the immortal team of Leiber and Stoller, and when is there gonna be a bio-pic on THOSE guys?
I've always preferred the single, which I thought was just alternate take, not a re-record. Either way, it's a classic.
You're probably right about it being an alternate take. That said, for the life of me I can't understand why they didn't put it on the album, which came out later.
Why the different takes between single and album: stupid record label employees, pressing plant mistakes or the band unable to make up their minds.
Captain Al
Listen to "Star" by them. Fabulous record that was a hit of sorts and lurked in the bushes until I discovered it a few years back.
Bob in IL
I was actually thinking of posting “Star” today instead of this.
Steve- your 45 version is in mono. If you want to hear the single version in stereo, you need to find a Canadian or Dutch copy of it. OR - you can listen to it here!:
Singles mixes are very common, for a number of reasons. Many singles mixes are superior--brighter, more vocals--anything to grab the radio listener.
Ever hear this?
Geezus, that was hot! was familiar only with Fanny's version, and usually have issues with Newman's vocals, but that scorched!
C in California
Well, if we are going to do rockin' Randy:
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