SP relaxes on Daddy. His eyes will turn properly brown, though we're not sure when.

Rosie really likes to scare me.

And her uncle, who trusts her less.
An idiosyncratic blog dedicated to the precursors, the practioners, and the descendants of power pop. All suggestions for postings and sidebar links welcome, contact any of us.
If children aren't scary the shit out of their parents, they aren't doing their job. If my marriage with Emma Watson doesn't work out, will you and the lout give me permission to marry Rosie?
It's the Heavenly Hellion!
give her and the rest of yer chilluns a big ol' kiss from Auntie Watertiger.
SP looks like his daddy in that pic.
Beautiful child. Beautiful children.
Can't believe Rosie will be two in just - what is it? 5 days!
My, how she has grown. She is so lovely.
What a great picture of SP -- eyes wide open and wondering. And Miss Rosie, cute as a button.
Thank you for this delicious dessert of babyblogging.
Nice to see Rosie's climbing skills are coming along :)
Hope you're all feeling better! Hugs for everyone!
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