My girl. No idea how she got so cute: a freak of genetics, apparently. She turns 3 today.
SP more or less adopted this tugboat/sandbox as his very own. Note the semipermanent bruise on his forehead: as soon as one starts to clear up, he takes a header into something else. But he's generally pretty cheerful about it.
This weird sort of log cabin playhouse/climbing toy was a great favorite with the roughly 7000 children at the cabins that week.
The boy on the dock. Apparently, fishing with Dad was "the most fun thing I've ever done ever! We even almost caught a fish!"
From the top of one of the lesser mountains, but one climbable without equipment.
Thanks, Uncle D!
What spectacular shots!!!
Happy Birthday 3YO!
Great pics and welcome back! Just in time for the a new New Pornographers disc next week!
shit eatin grin on this face!!!!!
Happy B'day to the lass!
notice the 3yo was giving me the finger in that first pic. That was right before she called me a "stupid dude"
they grow up so fast.
I hoped you would post some pictures from your vacation - thanks! They're wonderful shots of three growing kids out in the fresh air enjoying themselves. SP always has such a grin that makes me smile, too. The 3-year old gets more and more beautiful. And the older brother sweetly enthusiastic as usual.
Thanks for sharing these pictures. I always look forward to seeing how they're growing and what they're up to.
You are truly blessed!
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