So posting by moi will necessarily be sporadic for a little while.
But in the meantime, here's another little project for you folks:
Most Memorable Post-Elvis Song or Record Referencing Work or a Specific Job in the Title or Lyrics!!!
And my totally top of my Top Six is:
6. The Godfathers -- Birth, School, Work, Death
The most rousing song ever written about a depressing topic? Hey, what can I tell you -- I've always liked these guys' attitude.
5. Tim Hardin -- If I Were a Carpenter

Tim Buckley's had a revival, deservedly, and I think it's long overdue that the similarly eclectic Hardin gets similarly reevaluated. Maybe if he'd had a kid who looked and sounded like him...
4. Jonathan Richman and the Modern Lovers -- Ice Cream Man
Hey -- at least the guy's not selling drugs out of the back of the truck, at least that we know of. In any case, Jonathan at his most charmingly childlike, I think.
3. Humble Pie -- I Don't Need No Doctor
The Ashford and Simpson medical classic, via Ray Charles and ultimately this bunch of screaming English midgets. I'm sorry -- I love Steve Marriott, but this particular cover of the song has always cracked me up for some reason. Incidentally, can anybody tell if that's Peter Frampton in the back there or not? Frampton left the band sometime in '71, but I'm not sure if that was before or after this was filmed.
2. Lenny Kravitz -- Mr. Cab Driver
Lenny's classic account of suffering from racial bigotry and monaural recording. Seriously, I kind of like this song, but I'm reminded of what Bob Dylan said after hearing Sonny Bono's "Laugh at Me." "Cat's a drag," Bob noted. "Gets thrown out of a restaurant and writes a song about it."
And the numero uno song referencing a specific line of work, c'mon it's so obvious I'll have to harm you if you disagree, totally is --
1. Warren Zevon -- The Envoy

Warren's ode to special ambassador Philip Habib's shuttle diplomacy during Israel's Lebanon incursion of 1982. Perhaps not Zevon's best, but I think it's safe to say it is, in fact, the only rock tune ever written as a tribute to a foreign service professional.
Alrighty, then -- and what would your choices be?
[Shameless Blogwhore: My parallel Cinema Listomania -- theme: actor or actress who looks the coolest with a sword in his or her hand -- is now up over at Box Office. As always, i'd take it as a personal favor if you could go over there and leave a snarky comment. Thanks!]