In case you've never encountered these guys (or worse -- dismissed them as merely a joke) their shtick is posing as decadent foppish 18th century aristocrats and singing about subjects that would interest people of their class. My personal favorite of their songs -- apart from this one -- is the immortal "Ascot 'N' My Dickie," but they have a million as good, and as you can hear from the above, they're an absolutely first-rate hard rock band a la AC/DC or Cheap Trick despite the comic trappings.
As for "Little Rickshaw Boy," I've always assumed it was one of the few rock songs on Dick Cheney's iPod, but of course I'm a romantic.
That's what I'm talkin' about! This is exactly why I love coming to this site. Never heard of 'em before today, but after listening to the nugget you provided I checked them out on YouTube. Lo and behold, these guys have the goods.
As for your final comment - sick - and the best laugh I've had in weeks.
18th century Elvis Costello?
I have a pretty high tolerance for weird. This pushes it. I hear the Cheap Trick in there, but this is really quite odd even without the makeup.
I must hear more.
I have to echo Mister Pleasant: this is the kind of stuff even committed rock obsessors don't know about. Wow. It's refreshing to know there are still some cool nuggets to be unearthed. Thanks, Mr. S!
These guys were briefly the Next Big Thing, Indie division.
They did a show at some downtown club in NYC back in 95 where they pulled up to the joint in a horse drawn carriage, complete with costumed livery drivers.
What a riot! And yes, they know what they are doing.
The lipstick creeps me out, though.
BG, the two guys on the left make me uneasy!
Trey --
Actually, the guy on the left is the one that gives me the creeps.
I saw 'em more than once! Does this make me cool? (Well, they WERE local...)
Funny that you should post this just as I'm starting Ted Widmer's most recent book. In addition to playing guitar in UC, Ole Ted was a Clinton speechwriter, and is now a(n) historian of some note:
-bill buckner
Jeebus Christ, Buckner -- I had no idea who that guy was.
Absolutely amazing...
The guy on the far left reminds me of Steven Page of Barenaked Ladies on a particularly bad day.
Funny story: My HS daughter was sad that her best friend was dating a boy she recently dumped. We talked about that, and my main point was that it would be WAY different if the boy had dumped her.
She said that would indeed be worse and asked what she should do when a boy dumps her. (She is just starting HS.)
I told her you cry at first and feel bad then you start listening to angry break up songs, you get mad, and feel better.
She named some very good Ben Folds break up songs, and I approved. Then I shared with her the secret weapon break up song. H-A-T-R-E-D by you know who. I printed out the lyrics and we listened to it.
She was quite impressed. She was quoting the parts of the song that would not get her in trouble to my wife, and my wife asked to hear the song and was also suitably impressed. She asked where I ever heard such a thing and I got to tell her about the review I read back in the day.
HATRED and The Funky Western Civilization were the party closers at my fraternity parties in the early 80's at Chapel Hill. All from a seed planted by Simels.
Thanks pal! You came through for me, my frat, and my daughter!
Trey --
I'm honored.
Now just keep Simels away from your daughter. He'll break up with her!
I just sent SS a CD with one of the best break-up songs ever - particularly if the the one who dumped you got his/her side out in public first.
Mbowen, what is the song????
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