Seriously, of all the bands who were sort of doing what Pete Townshend and company were doing at this point -- The Birds (with Ron Wood -- see Hammer's The Deady Bees) and The Creation, in particular -- I think these kids came the closest to the kind of proto-psychedelic mayhem of "Anyway, Anyhow, Anywhere." And of all their records, I think this is the one that most exemplifies their wonderfully bratty esthetic.
In any case, as always, a coveted PowerPop No-Prize will be awarded the first reader who gleans the song's relevance to the theme of tomorrow's Weekend Listomania.
Best rave-ups?
Is It Just Me, Or is Anybody Else Sick and Tired of These Goddamn Early Clues to the New Direction?
You sound like Letterman talking about the Top 10 Llst.
Bands named after body parts.
No, and no.
That body parts idea sounds cool...have I done that already?
Most highly influenced band. The striped shirts are ala Beach Boys, the windmill-esque guitar ala Who, the harmonica ala Dylan or Woody Guthrie. (I did not even get into the haircuts.)
That body parts idea sounds cool...have I done that already?
Yeah ...
They WERE pretty derivative, weren't they.
Actually, before the broke up, they actually did an album of Stones covers under another name. Some of them weren't bad, actually...
Bands Carolyn Hester didn't, um, consort with.
Songs about the night time.
Uh, okay. One last clue.
It's not the song.
Bands with matching outfits?
This song is about a relationship break up. Are the others on your list so related? You did use the phrase "break up" in your comment above, Steve-o.
Bands photographed with a fish-eye lens?
Also, I couldn't get the embedded song to play, but I found it over at YouTube.
Mod bands
Damn, I missed the "it's not the song" mini-clue added on here in the comments. But we have only the song and the band! That leaves only the band for a clue! And what is a band without their song? Argh! Still, a nice song.
Most whey-faced Invasion bands?
No no no no and no.
But I'm upset that racy couldn't get the song to play..let me check it out....
Bands with three letter names? Eye, who,yes, etc...
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