In any case -- enjoy, and a Coveted PowerPop No-Prize will be awarded the first reader who guesses who's singing lead. No peeking!!!!
An idiosyncratic blog dedicated to the precursors, the practioners, and the descendants of power pop. All suggestions for postings and sidebar links welcome, contact any of us.
Helen Reddy?
I know the answer but don't want to blow it for others. I would never have guessed if I didn't know this version of one of my favorite Who songs.
I've been listening more to the Who lately and have to admit I have such a strong preference for their early stuff. I'll take the early singles and the first two albums over Tommy or Quadrophenia any day.
I think I know. Initials Y.E.
I totally agree about the earlier Who. It's about economy of scale. That said, I like almost everything they did up to the 1st breakup.
Helen Reddy - LOL.
I haven't a clue, but adding my two cents worth about The Who. Agree wholeheartedly - Tommy was the just about the last of the band that I loved, give or take a few singles in the early 70s. Sell Out was the peak along with those incomparable 60s singles.
Dean's correct.
Dean's correct about the initials, obviously.
Your Coveted No-Prize is heading your way by worm caravan as we speak (Rocky and Bullwinkle reference, admittedly obscure).
Wow, that's really a nice cover.
And I was a Who fan starting with "I Can See For Miles" and lasting all the way 'til Who Are You.
I discovered the early stuff later, and was properly blown away.
I've been revisiting Sell Out lately. Hooks on top of hooks.
yoko eno?
Yvonne Elliman.
I've always liked her voice; shame she came around in the mid-70s where they only knew how to schlock it up.
WOW. Great cover.
Yvonne Ellison
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