Okay, I don't think that was really Joan Baez. But I say, "right on sister!" to whoever it was. The people united will never be defeated!!!
In any case, as always, a coveted PowerPop No-Prize will be awarded to the first reader who gleans the clip's relevance to the theme of tomorrow's Weekend Listomania.
Protest songs?
Songs with rhyming titles?
Songs with annoying vibrato?
Laughing my aghast off...
Songs with annoying vibrato?
Oh, god I am so stealing that down the line...
But no...
I can't believe you posted that. :-)
That's "Pull The Tregroes" from National Lampoon. I think it was from Lemmings, but not sure.
As for topics:
Best Parody
Rich Folks singing about the problems of the poor
Worst Protest Songs
"Radio Dinner", not "Lemmings."
Just so! "Let's you & him fight -- we're with you all the way, just ... across the bay." And yet I just can't help myself with these beautiful dark-haired women folkies: I got me some real Joan tix for July 13. And of course to be fair, in real life the real Ms. Baez actually did show up for her fair share of abuse ...
The Short People Got No Reason To Live List of Most Sincere or Ironic Songs With a Bold-Faced MESSAGE in All Caps?
Songs meant to be satirical that were completely misunderstood and embraced by the people they satirized?
Unlikely songs where the artists calls themselves out by name...
It was kind of weird to hear "I'm Joan Baez", like she was a rapper or something.
Songs about women posing for pictures on highways? Or, songs by artists that you wouldn't suspect they would do.
You'll burn in hell for this one Steve!
Songs about breasts.
She does look really cute in that picture, doesn't she.
It's from '82, I believe...
Songs that sound so much like another artist that their own mothers could not tell?
Uh --- no, no, no and no.
It might be in radio dinner but I saw it in lemmings back in '73 or 4
I dunno -- I saw the original cast of Lemmings, and I didn't remember it from there, so I looked up the album. And unless I was skimming Amazon too fast, it wasn't in it either....
In any case -- drop dead funny, and really mean.
I saw Lemmings the second year it ran. They had split the cast into 2 and one performed at the Village Gate and one toured. So I missed Alice Playten as Mick Jagger. My first trip from the suburbs into the big city I believe.
Pretty sure it's from Radio Dinner.
I played it on a college radio station in Walla Walla, Wash., in 1972 & received several 'phone calls from the few black folk in town (probably fellow college students).
They weren't too happy, even after the joke was clarified for them.
That's off "Radio Dinner". They might have put it in the "Lemmings" show later. KSAN played this when it first came out and, being a rather empty-headed young lad at the time, I thought it really WAS Joan Baez. I kinda went "what the fuck...?"
And your description of it as "haunting" is dead-on. It IS haunting, and God help me, it's stayed in my head all these years... I often find myself singing it in my head!
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