In any case, further posting by moi will be sporadic for a few days as a result.
But in the meantime, here's a fun little project for us all:
Best or Worst Mustache on a Post-Elvis Pop or Rock Musician!!!
And my totally top of my head Top Seven is:
7. Bob Dylan

The latter day Bob, of course, and his riverboat gambler look, which is about as cool in an age-appropriate way as you can get. What a character.
6. Sonny Bono

Hey, not for nothing is his most heartfelt record called "Laugh at Me." (And I don't care if he wrote also "Needles and Pins" -- his various mustaches over the years were heinous.)
5. John Oates

A porn 'stash, to be sure, but with so much more going on, subtextually. Let's just say it didn't surprise me when he made an actually very cool record called "Where are the Italian Girls."
4. Bryan Ferry

For somebody with as lounge lizard-ish a personna as Ferry it's kind of surprising that he's been clean-shaven for most of his career, but here he is, circa 1976, during his brief Clark Gable period.
3. Derek Smalls (Spinal Tap)

People thought it was something about their trousers, but I've always considered that magnificent growth on bassist Smalls' lip to be the true secret weapon of Spinal Tap.
2. That wimpy asshole in Fleet Foxes
Have I mentioned how much I hate this band? Seriously -- I hate just about everything about them, including their friends and relatives I've never met.
And the Numero Uno wispy or otherwise facial hair statement by a musician, I'll brook no dissension on this, absolutely is...
1. Ron Mael(Sparks)
Come on -- like it was even a contest? The guy got on Top of the Pops doing Hitler, fercrissakes.
Alrighty, then -- what would your choices be?
[Shameless Blogwhore: My parallel Cinema Listomania -- theme: Best or worst performance by a post-Beatles female pop star in a fiction film -- is now up over at Box Office. As always, if you could find it in the goodness of your heart to go over there and leave a pithy bon mot, I'd probably think nice thoughts about you. Thanks!]
Burton Cummings
John Oates has to be #1.
But #2 for me is Chuck Negron of Three Dog Night. It comes in the top both for best mustache and worst mustache.
#3--Little Richard.
Frank Zappa?
And Freddie Mercury.
I've wanted a mustache like Jim Kweskin's since I was 14.
And I thought Charlie Watts' 1966 'stache looked like it was drawn on with a Sharpie - did they have Sharpies then?
YES YES YES! Finally, we agree on something -- I saw the topic and thought that if Ron wasn't #1 then someone must have gotten to you.
Of course, the mustache has changed over the years, but it never disappoints.
Franz Nicolay, the former keyboard player from The Hold Steady. Hercule Poirot would be jealous.
MBowen said...
Franz Nicolay, the former keyboard player from The Hold Steady. Hercule Poirot would be jealous.
I knew I forgot somebody current!
Wait a minnit- what do you mean former player? Did he quit? Have they broken up?
David Crosby
Duane Allman
Carlos Santana
and of course...
How 'bout the douche who plays bass in OK GO?
Didn't Bun E. Carlos have a cool 'stache back in the day?
Jeff "Skunk" Baxter may be a complete asshole, but his mustache is impressive.
Joan Baez.
John Oates wins because his moustache has a career of its own:
J.D. Samson of Le Tigre and her unrepentant, Frida Kahlo-esque 'stache certainly deserves mention! Leon Redbone's is kind of classic too...
Four famous mustaches.
And my word is obilyhoo.
One more bad one: Jim Croce must have been influenced by Groucho Marx...
Franz left the band to go solo. The Hold Steady remains intact with a touring keyboard player. New record out in May.
Greg Norton of Husker Du. a handlebar for the ages.
My favorite McCartney video is "Coming Up" where (I think) Linda plays Ron Mael...
Here's that McCartney video:
Might be Paulie as Ron - I can never tell.
Have to say, of all Paul's videos, he probably looks the best in this...
Graham Nash's moustache was an inspiration for 12 year olds all over the world.
The only way Springsteen got away with his was being from New Jersey;>
How about Lee Hazlewood ? My own mustache is rather like Magnum PI - I've had it for 30 years and I'm not going to get rid of it now.
To the idiot who created this list:
How about you do some research before you verbally bash bands/artists. You sound downright rude and lose any credibility (which you clearly don't have) with this quote:
"I hate just about everything about them, including their friends and relatives I've never met."
Obviously you have no idea about music, let alone "power pop". Let me think Billy Joel is a hack too?
-Anonymous Classic Rock Disc Jockey
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