I don't usually have time to check out the unsigned bands who send us stuff, which is a source of some continuing guilt for me, but for what it's worth the e-mail that came with this, from the charmingly monikered Nick Scroggie, hooked me right away with his (accurate, as it turned out) description of his group's music: "Grunge Meets Punk Meets Power Pop." It helped that the song was so neatly put together, of course, as did a quote decorating their myspace page: "Guitar groups are on the way out, Mr. Epstein."
In any case, you can find out more about these guys (including info about upcoming gigs, assuming we have any other readers in the vicinity of Scotland) at the aforementioned myspace page.
Though I do like the way he wails, "An' I wan' it BACK!"
me likes!
Hey -- at least it's not another goddamn Skip Spence song.
Seriously, "TV Took My Soul" has been lodged in my brain for a couple of days now. I think there's some sort of irony there.
This is more my cup of tea. Kind of The Clash meets The Soft Boys.
This band are excellent, glad the world is finally getting to hear them
Katspjs - London
Annie Stevenson proves Glasgow still rocks:) u go guys aw the best fir a very bright annie Stevenson future xx joolz
Love this band!! have uploades their free music on itunes and now can't stop listening to them. 'country killer' and 'Get off the streets' are favourites of mine......i think 'get off the streets' would do well as a soundtrack to the next Quentine Tarentino film, keep it up guys!! :)
From I.C Syris
(Privaliged to have them on myspace to listen to):)
These guys are FAB!! Catch 'em if you can!! ;)
A top bunch of guys with a great sound!!! miss them at your peril....
guitar groups ain't on the way out!!
amazing !!love this song so much<3 me and my friends want to go to their next gig anyone know when it is ? or if its only over 18s ?
These guys are nothing short of brilliant! Scotlands favourite: Irn Bru or Annie Stevenson? Nae contest - gimme Annie Stevenson every time :) Sue Mac
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