As always, a coveted PowerPop No-Prize will be awarded the first reader who gleans the clip's relevance to the theme of tomorrow's Weekend Listomania.
An idiosyncratic blog dedicated to the precursors, the practioners, and the descendants of power pop. All suggestions for postings and sidebar links welcome, contact any of us.
Angst songs?
No clue.
No. And heh.
Songs about lost luggage. Or fear of lost luggage?
No clue.
Lost luggage.
[files for future reference]
Songs relevant to our current political climate?
word verification: unwomb
J. Loslo is somewhat...maybe slightly less than somewhat...in the ballpark.
But in the ballpark nonetheless.
Apocalyptic songs?
Helpless, hopeless and confused?
Kinda. Closer, but not close enough for a cigar yet
Songs about getting out and away, especially via the airport.
Depressing songs about how bad the songs themselves are (among other things)?
Okay, this one is really kind of a cheat on my part. So let's see if I can give a clue that will help...
It's got something to do with the larger sentiment of the song. In the context of recent events.
Songs about worriers.
Songs about Democrats.
Favorite line: "I'm so worried about whether people will like this song."
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