Until he comes home, you can watch the little guy on the fabulous Ollie Cam! from approximately 8am to 8pm every day.
If you get a chance, go over there and send him some love.
An idiosyncratic blog dedicated to the precursors, the practioners, and the descendants of power pop. All suggestions for postings and sidebar links welcome, contact any of us.
HU-U-UGE love to Ollie!
He's looking right chipper this morning.
Go, Ollie!
Electric Ollie, the amazing feline nightlight!
I'm sure the Big Scrunchy will be home soon, as schmoopy as ever.
Get well soon, little fella! The catnip's on me next time.
Whoa! That's some serious kitty babble right there. Meanwhile, here's hoping to a speedy recovery for Ollie.
He must not like cats.
Darnit, I wanted to post a long rant about how dogs are way smarter than cats because they live longer because they don't smoke and get thyroid diseases and have secure, great- paying jobs wearing goat hooves for shoes (like Master does) or somesuch AND THEN ANONYMOUS STEALS MY THUNDER!
Srsly, Godspeed, Ollie!
Sounds like a heroic veterinary intervention. I hope MediCat covers it.
Hey Ollie, here's some music to cheer you up:
(Keep watching, it gets better...)
Thanks, everyone! Well, except for the ranting loony ... I can't thank him/her, since I have no idea what he/she is babbling about. Nor do I care! :-)
Deleted it.
Apparently, the fruit is falling earlier than usual this season, to paraphrase Groucho.
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