Seriously -- Happy fricking New Year. And I say that secure in the knowledge that 2011 will without a chinchilla of doubt be the suckiest year any of us has experienced in memory. Suckier than 1968, even, unless we're very lucky. Which I doubt we will be.

In that spirit then, please enjoy -- from sometime in the early 80s -- the irrepressible Andy Breckman and his ode to feeling reasonably okay despite everything -- "I Had a Good Day."
I didn't throw upIncidentally, I remain convinced that The Rolling Stones are singing "Mr. Greenblatt died" rather than "You make a grown man cry" in "Start Me Up."
I didn't throw up
About a quarter to four
I almost threw up
But I didn't throw up
I had a real good day
M brother didn't die
My mother didn't die
My father didn't die
My sister didn't die
Mr. Greenblatt died
I had a real good day
Apparently, I have issues.