Maybe I just blocked it.
In any case, here's Meco's "R2-D2, We Wish you a Merry Christmas." From 1980 and RSO Records. And how profoundly we wish it wasn't.

Adding insult to injury/The Horror!, I am reliably informed that a teenaged Jon Bon Jovi makes his recording debut on this track (as part of the children's chorus).
Oh -- and did we say Merry Grimble to all?
[h/t Eric C. Boardman]
Aw, jeez. I just ralphed into the stocking I had hung by the chimney with care......
That was interesting.
"and if the snow gets too deep,
just give a little beep"
I like the "rap" parts with R2 and C3PO throwing down.
Yon Yon Yokee?
heh again...
I wouldn't be surprised to learn that this was a Tony Bongiovi production, Mr. B being the founder of the Power Plant recording studio in NYC, producer of the hit disco version of the "Star Wars Theme" (along with the Ramones "Rocket to Russia" and other punk and disco hits). A bandmate of mine worked at the studio in the late seventies, and complained about Tony's nephew Jon's crappy band hanging around and getting free recording time. We were a little righteously PO'ed that the little brat had access to his uncle's copious industry connections to launch his career (although I was relieved when I first found out he'd changed his name to Bon Jovi. No one could ever get a hit with a stupid name like that, I thought.)
re: Bon Jovi
From that humble beginning to a spot on the Obama White House. What a country!!!
And into the RNR Hall of Fame. And you thought Billy Joel dragged it down.
The children's chorus is certainly bad enough that JBJ could be in there.
Wow, that is truly and deeply bad. I love Christmas music, I have LOTs of Christmas music. I have a Yellowman Christmas. I have Beatles Covers Bands Christmas tunes, and of course I have Esquivel's Christmas record.
This sad little tune will not be joining the collection.
Pity that.
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
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