All mostly worthy, in varying degrees, to be sure. But for my money it simply has to be Shout!Factory's absolutely glorious new metal boxed set edition of Mystery Science Theater 3000 XXI: MST3K vs GAMERA.
This is, as you may have already guessed, a collection of all five of the giant Japanese turtle movies the MST3K guys riffed on, starring show creator and original host Joel Hodgson, as the hapless Joel Robinson, along with the rest of what most fans consider the show's classic cast, i.e. Kevin Murphy and Trace Beaulieu as his robot pals Tom Servo and Crow T. Robot. (Oh, and also, of course, Frank Conniff as TV's Frank.)
Here's Shout!Factory's on-line trailer to give you an idea.
Pound for pound, this remains some of the most passionately funny stuff ever seen on TV, with perhaps the highest ratio of successful jokes per minute available in any entertainment medium this side of The Simpsons Movie. As always, SF has done the packaging up right, which is to say that along with razor-sharp new DVD transfers, you also get all sorts of cool bonuses, including new and suitable for framing mini-posters for all five movies, the original Japanese trailers for each film, and -- best of all -- the original MST3K Hour wraps, i.e. the very droll intros and outros done for Comedy Central's repackaged version of the show, featuring Michael J. Nelson as A&E's avuncular host figure Jack Perkins. It's some of the MST3K gang's best work, actually, and its nice to have it readily available again.
I should add that the segment below -- a love song to the much smaller tortoise owned by one of the alarmingly short-pantsed Japanese kids in the first Gamera flick -- remains pretty much my favorite MST-ie moment ever; Jacques Brel couldn't have come up with anything more poignant. Well, perhaps he could have, but certainly not anything as drop dead hilarious.
I should also add that the video quality of the above clip is vastly superior on the Shout!Factory set. But in any case, you can -- and frankly, what are you waiting for? -- order it over at Amazon here.
Okay, and with that out of the way and given that things around here will more than likely be a little quiet for the next couple of days, here's a fun and obviously relevant little project to help us wile away the idle hours:
Best or Worst Film in a Long Running Horror or Monster Series or Franchise!!!
And my totally top of my head Top Five is
5. Godzilla (Roland Emmerich, 1998)
A titular computer-generated monster that looks like the Jurrassic Park T-Rex instead of the made-in-Japan critter in the original films, not to mention even more embarrassing ethnic stereotyping than in Emmerich's earlier Independence Day? Yes indeedy, and the rest of this one is equally awful. Or as my old pal Ken Fox said in his TVGuide.com review, "If CGI means that everything has to take place under the masking cover of rain and darkness in order to look 'real,' then bring on the guy in the rubber suit."
4. Dracula's Daughter (Lambert Hillyer, 1936)
Probably the most underrated of the classic Universal horrors; in fact, this is a gloriously atmospheric mix of Gothic chills and Sherlock Holmes-ish thrills, with an astoundingly sensual performance by Gloria Holden in the title role (not to mention a Lesbian scene I still don't understand how they got past the censors). Director Hillyer did almost nothing else besides B-westerns, incidentally, which after a viewing of this will strike you as a real waste of obvious talent.
3. Return of The Blind Dead (a/k/a Return of the Evil Dead) (Amando de Ossorio, 1973)
Those pesky eyeless Knights Templar return from the grave to interrupt some vaguely sleazy soft-core porn couplings in a cemetery. A thoroughly unpleasant experience on a number of levels, although this is probably the best of the inexplicably long-running series.
2. The Fly II (Chris Walas, 1989)
Technically, this is the fifth "Fly" film. More to the point, it's also an insultingly bad followup to David Cronenberg's 1986 masterpiece. A leading candidate for absolute shittiest sequel of all time, as a matter of fact.
And the Numero Uno Shiver Me Timbers classic of them all simply has to be...
1. Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein (Charles Barton, 1948)
The best horror/comedy evah, and unlikely to be bettered IMHO.
Inspirational Dialogue:
Larry Talbot (Lon Chaney): "You don't understand -- when the moon is full, I turn into a wolf."Alrighty then -- what would your choices be?
Wilbur Grey (Lou Costello): "You and eighty million other guys."
Best Hammer horror:
The original Dracula with Christopher Lee.
Worst Hammer horror:
Dr. Jekyll and Sister Hyde.
Best Romero film of the series -- nay, best Horror movie of all time: Dawn of the Dead.
It's the only film I ever sprung for the "box set" with the 3 different versions on it -- and I love them all.
I'm guaranteed to watch this at least once a year.
While I loves me some horror movies and there are some classics I can revisit often, this is the best of them all.
Worst film in a series: I'd have to say any of the Phantasm sequels. The first movie is extremely original (albeit dated now, unfortunately) that I hold in high regard. All of the sequels -- including the one with the original cast members returning many years later -- were all disappointments.
Samuel L. Jackson strongly agrees with Shriner's motherfucking assessment of DATD.
I think I would say Young Frankenstein for the best, and I still think it's Mel Brooks' best movie.
Yer so right about "Dracula's Daughter". This is the Dracula movie that made the legend, not the laughable Lugosi original. It stands alone in the Unviversal horro pantheon.
Hey Simels- It's me Jeff. How about the french masterpiece of pure creepiness "Eyes Without a Face"? And, yes, Drac's Daughter is delicious. And then there's the much un-herald actor/director, Irving Pichel playing her "Igor" or is it "EYE-gore"
Okay, this post has been up for almost six hours now, and so far nobody's had a good thing to say a Coffin Joe movie. Or Andy Milligan.
I think we're safe....
Not on topic, but I love Eastbound and Down. Kenny-Fuckin-Powers is the man.
I've loved A&C Meet Frankie since I first saw it on Chiller Theater as a kid.
A newer, very funny horror comedy: Re-Animator.
Get a job in a sideshow, indeed!
Eyes Without A Face is completely captivating. And I've got that Dracula box... may have skipped over Drac's Daughter because there's so much other great stuff on it.
Very belatedly catching up with old favorite blogs. PowerPop lives! --Silleigh
Gotta put my vote in for "Curse of Frankenstein," the first Hammer Chris Lee/Peter Cushing entry.
And while I agree the "Godzilla" remake is just abysmal, I don't really think it should be considered part of the actual "series". There's certainly plenty of "bad" sequels on the Japanese list - "Godzilla vs. the Smog Monster" comes to mind. Of course, the original non-Raymond Burr "Gojira" is absolutely fabulous... available for streaming on Netflix!
The first thing I always think of with the MST3K Gameras is the portrayal of the Japanese boy and girl by Micheal J. Nelson and Bridget Jones. Bridget delivers a positively demented performance as the Coke-swilling little girl. If I had a "top-ten" favorite MST3K moments, "Gamera is my boyfriend!" would be on the list.
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