This past Saturday I was on a bullet train between Paris and Reims.
Fuck you.
An idiosyncratic blog dedicated to the precursors, the practioners, and the descendants of power pop. All suggestions for postings and sidebar links welcome, contact any of us.
Sorry guys, this one is completely OT and a total in-joke.
It also had to be posted; thanks in advance for your indulgence.
you have a very ute blog :)
So, can we expect a video war between you and Atrios?
Je suis desolee. Ou est le musique puissance pop aujourd'hui?
Dude -- I'm on vacation this week. I'll try to have some real stuff up before my return, but I'm not promising anything.
Je le savais! Remerciez Dieu des traducteurs en ligne! Appréciez vos vacances!
So was this directed at anyone I might know?
Dave -- I'm sure you can guess.
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