Friday, September 27, 2024

Weekend Listomania: Special "And Everybody Knows That an Acuff-Rose is a Rose is a Rose is a Rose" Edition

Well, it's Friday, and you know what that means.

And if you do, you're better off than me because, once again, current events have got me so flummoxed I can't for the life of me come up with a new version of the obligatory jokes about my Oriental manual catharsis supervisor Fah Lo Suee I used to do as intros to Weekend Listomania.

Oh well, I guess we'll have to move directly to business. To wit:


By which we mean, of course, made up names, although if you care to nominate somebody's cool real-life handle -- like, say, Ersel Hickey -- I'll cut you some slack, rule-wise. But let's be honest -- most bands and/or solo acts spend more time coming up with a smart-ass moniker than they do honing their initial songwriting and performance skills.

And my Totally Top of My Head Top Six is:

6. Teenage Jesus and the Jerks

The only band name I ever laughed out loud at the first time I read it. Don't care for their music, but I must admit to a sneaking affection for their splendidly-yclept lead screamer Lydia Lunch.

5. The Angry Samoans

Those guys were a rock critic's band, if memory serves (guitarist "Metal Mike" Saunders was a fanzine notable, right?). In any case, the name itself derives from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, which makes it cool kind of by definition.

4. The Dead Kennedys

I always liked these guys, including their politics, and thought they were really funny, but that said I always found the name offensive.

3. The Butthole Surfers

See above, except I always found the name amusing.

2. The Floor Models

Oh come on -- you had to know I was gonna sneak those guys in there somewhere.

And the all-time coolest nom de rock of all time, it's not even a contest is...

1. The Rolling Stones

Seriously -- it's perfect. And I gotta say, had those guys named themselves after a different Chicago blues song -- as The Pretty Things, say -- I don't think they would have had remotely the same career they've actually had.

Alrighty then -- what would YOUR choices be?

And have a great weekend, everybody!!!

[h/t Marshall Chapman for the title joke]


Anonymous said...

The Weasels. Describes them perfectly. Really perfectly. I mean really really really perfectly.

Captain Al

mistah charley, sb, ma, phd, jsps said...

1/I always thought that Elvis Costello and the Imposters was a cool moniker - not only is his real name not Elvis, it is not Costello either - and those guys are not really imposters, they are the actual band

2/Utopia's "Deface the Music" had a cool title and concept, and I really like the back cover photo of them titled "outstanding in their field"

Tim Walters said...

Great bands, terrible names:
The Swimming Pool Q’s
Art Bears
The Beatles

steve simels said...


Anonymous said...

Pansy Division

Sal Nunziato said...

3 Teens Kill 4 No Motive. You couldn't walk five feet in the East Village in the early 80's without seeing their posters or stencils on lamp posts.

steve simels said...

Oh god, I remember them. Hilarious.

Gummo said...

Back in the staunch anti-commie days, Gang of Four was a bold name choice for a band.

Anonymous said...

When I was in Teaneck High School (Steve’s Alma mater too) in 1964 and everyone was forming their bands, there was a friend of mine there named Dan Drapp. I BEGGED him to start a band called “Dan Drapp and the Drips”. He said he would only if I agreed to be the head drip. I declined.
We started the Weasels instead.
Jai Guru Dave

Anonymous said...

…where I indeed became the head drip.

steve simels said...

You wear it well, my friend.

Gummo said...

In the late 1970s, there was a great bar covers band working the LA suburban area called Snotty Scotty and the Hankies. They did a great unhinged version of White Punks on Dope.

steve simels said...

Love it!!!!

Allan Rosenberg said...

Weird Names:

$27 Snap on Face
Rubber Chicken Rebellion (From Peekskill, NY in the late 1960's)
Cody Jarrett

You can tell I like the goofy names!

And Names I loved!

Jefferson Airplane
Quicksilver Messenger Service
Grateful Dead
(They were great at naming bands in San Francisco)
Buffalo Springfield (or as I nicknamed them to myself)
"Buffalo Beanbag"


What was the name of the viking band that The Hounds played with: Cyd Arthur?
What was their name if I'm incorrect?

I may keep this up all day!

Captain Al