Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Just an Old-Fashioned Drug Song...

Okay, I'm pretty sure you've never seen or heard "White Rabbit" done quite this way.

I was unfamiliar with those kids until I chanced across the above yesterday, but I gotta tell you -- that's one of the greatest things in the history of things.

I mean, I think I want to marry the fiddle player, which is a phrase I never expected to be using at any point in my life, let alone now. 😎

Also: the rabbit suit in the back is absolutely priceless.


Sal Nunziato said...

That was fun. Gillian Welch & David Rawlings have been doing a similar take on "White Rabbit" in concert for years.

steve simels said...

Without the rabbit suit, one assumes. 😎

Allan Rosenberg said...

I'd love to know what Grace thinks about the video if she has seen it?

Captain Al

steve simels said...

I suspect she'd love it.

Sal Nunziato said...

Haha. That's right.

Dave Leonatti said...

I know New Grass is not the subject of this here blog, but MT and Golden Highway are pretty damn sharp players and performers. Clever and talented. Don't you just hate 'em. And it's the bass player for me, Steve.

Shriner said...

Yeah, that bass player has a killer smile. This was a lot of fun!

Anonymous said...

Molly Tuttle and band are great. For a reggae take on the same tune, try out this one from Prince Fatty https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nH9zYaiGoNk

- Paul in DK