Thursday, March 13, 2025

It's Feline Thursday: Special "Your Cat is Born Toulouse" Edition

Attentive readers will recall that, back in January, I sang (albeit not literally) the praises of "synth-driven power-poppers" (from Seattle, Chicago and Vancouver) Autogramm and their spectacularly fab new single "Born Losers."

Hey -- what can I tell you, I'm a sucker for a guy in a Yeti suit.

But now, as they used to say -- sounds so nice, let's do it twice! And this time, with a pussy!!! 😎

Okay, in case you're wondering what I'm talking about, here's their even newer (yet equally fab) single "Randy."

Take it away, guys!

"Randy” was originally slated to be released as part of their latest album Music That Humans Can Play, but was omitted as the subject of the lyrics became inaccurate. Being a self described “cat band” they naturally -- after some deliberation -- decided to re-record the vocals and dedicate the content of the lyrics to their drummer’s cat, Randy.

Autogramm drummer The Silo explains the lyrics he penned for the song.

"It's a letter to a good friend, in need of a little confidence push. Everyone needs an ego boost sometimes. Even if they’re a cat.” Listeners will delight in lines like “If you think you wanna jump up on that countertop, well baby you’ve got the tools. The world’s looking for a pretty cool dude, and maybe that dude is you.”

“Randy” will remind listeners of Devo, with tick-tack rhythms, motorik basslines and a quirky bounce that subtly points to influences like The Dead Milkmen and The Cars. Guitarist Lars Von Seattle aptly describes the new release as, “Nuevo juevo punk pop for allergic feline lovers. Blazing guitars, squiggly synths, bumping bass, and deftly thrashing drums collide in a spirit of uplift for the irrepressible Randy in all of us”.

Okay, that's a freaking riot on every level, I think.

In any case, you can hear more from those guys, plus order/stream the above stuff, over at their Bandcamp page HERE. .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thumbs up for Lars Von Seattle