Luckily, she's made of rubber and spit, so it wasn't a problem. A mere two days later, she was at it again.

Have I mentioned how I love this child? How I know her strength and ingenuity and utter lack of fear will be of great benefit to her in adult life?
Assuming she doesn't kill herself first.
My god, she's gorgeous . . . and tough as nails!
She shall rule the world!
Rosie will rule the world one of these days.
Gorgeous, Spirited Child. Yes, she will go far. She can't help it because she has two great parents!
Aww. Go get 'em, Adventure Girl!
When my younger was a baby, she was in her walker. As she neared the back steps, I told my older one to close the door as I was at the stove stirring some soup. She didn't hear me and the next thing I knew down Quinn went in the walker. The four steps were concrete and carpeted with that green outdoor carpet. It scared the crap out of her, so that she couldn't quite get her breath and cry, which sent us into orbit. Took a 25-minute ambulance ride to the hospital (she cried the whole way - me, too). She was put on a table, the doctor came in and smiled at her. She stopped crying and smiled back!
We couldn't believe it. She was fine. Apparently the shape of the walker had acted almost like a roll bar. The only mark on her was a brush burn on her forehead from the carpet.
It was such a relief that we both had to sit down before we fell down.
Kids are resilient and seem sometimes to be made of protective materials. She has managed to make it to age 23 with only a broken arm (4th grade school camping trip, fell from the top of the slide).
Her father and I managed not to get too many gray hairs.
Give Rosie a hug and kiss for me.
Good thing she bounces :) The world is going to be a very exciting place when Rosie is in charge!
Have fun with Grandma!
Beautiful AND indestructible!
I'm putting a special blessing on Rosie. I want her to think kindly of her Aunt Hecate when she rules the Earth. She's going to be smart fearless, funny, and drop-dead gorgeious.
My favorite pictures of Rosie are the one from Eschacon where she's blissfully dancing - cute little toes! - and the the three you took of her, fully clothed, ready for bed, fresh diapers and all, back in the bathtub, sopping wet as the water poured out over her again.
Each of your kids is fully unique and precious, but sometimes Rosie's doings make me laugh out loud!
I love to see your pictures of the kids and your comments about them. Your love for them shines through. I also enjoy it when Thersites recounts conversations he has the the 6-year old. He captures beautifully how delighted he is by his son's conversation and antics.
Thanks for giving us a glimpse of a family that pulls together and enjoys one another.
She looks like a future bass-guitar player to me.
Daisy Rock rocks.
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