The intrepid traveller.

The secret road up to the back fields. It looks like no one's been there for years, literally. Certainly there's been no vehicular traffic in a solid decade.

We found a secret copse where the grass was a bit lower: we had our picnic there.

Put the goddamn camera down and pick me UP!

Exhausted by the sun, SP sacks out in his swimmie.
What absolutely gorgeous and precious children you have! Blessings on them!
Hee, the 2yo looks like she's underwater!
Oh, and wasn't finding a secret copse part of the plot of Stand By Me?
Looks like you guys had a fun afternoon!!
When did you have the secret copse installed? :D
Hee, the 2yo looks like she's underwater!
It does have kind of a *Nevermind* vibe, no?
They're adorable. But that 2YO cusses like a sailor, and that can only lead to one thing: Reform School !
Reform school is sleep-away, isn't it?
I'd forgotten about this:
The 2 y.o. says: "I said no cameras, dammit!"
The outdoors pics remind me of something. In DC a lifetime ago I worked with a guy named Charles. It was always "Charles". He talked like a Butler, he was very proper and his apartment was nicely furnished.
I eventually learned from him that he was raised in a cave by his hippie parents. Charles rebelled by being the exact opposite of them.
Don't have your children rebel by becoming Republicans!
That's all.
I know you're just teasing, Emerson, but you do know we're not actually hippies, right?. We bathe and shave and all that stuff. We listen to pop and punk, not jam bands. And I, at least, have never done a psychedelic drug.
Statistically, Alex P. Keaton is a pretty rare bird.
I can't see your kids rebelling by becoming Republicans as much as I can see them rebelling by becoming John Denver fans.. Or listening to jazz...
My story had nothing to do with you per say - I just like the Charles story I carry with me.
Me, I voted for Clinton twice and Gore once.
Oh, I didn't take it personally.
But I thought you were a proud neocon, Emerson. No?
It's not something I want to debate or defend, so let me say this and we'll moveon.org.
Before 9-11 I was center-left and after I became center-right. I'm still not a joiner of any group and I've always been a registered independent.
I believe we're fighting WWIII (or IV if you count the Cold War) and the stakes are liberal democracy, which I defend wholeheartedly even though I'm disgusted with victim culture. I'm as anti-communist as I am anti-nazi, so I hate Pat Buchanan as much as I do every Workers World Party front group.
I don't pretend to call myself moderate because that's as illusory as being truly objective. I will say that I wish there was less extremism all around so I wouldn't have to worry so much about these things.
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