Alert readers may recognize Daddy as the brainchild of Tommy Womack , the Nashville alt-rock veteran whose hilarious country-inflected ode to Dead Boys guitarist Cheetah Chrome I touted in an earlier post back in April. His co-conspirator here is guitarist Will Kimbrough, with whom he toiled in The Bis-Quits, still one of my top ten fave bands of the 90s (and I'll post about them soon).
In case, a great song; you can -- and surely should -- order the album HERE.
And with that little bit of well-deserved plugola out of the way, and equally in keeping with our theme du jour, please enjoy the incomparable Groucho Marx and his superb rendition of the Bert Kalmar/Harry Ruby classic "Father's Day."
You're welcome!
And a Happy Father's Day to you, mr. simels.
You realize of course that I'm going to be wearing that outfit Groucho has on in a few weeks if not sooner.
That's a cool song. Is the rest of the album as good?
day late, dollar short
Smothers Brothers, "My Old Man".
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