In any case, posting by moi will doubtless be sporadic for a couple of days while the Mossad interferes with Twitter.
So, in the meantime, here's another little project for you all to contemplate:
Most Memorable Post-Elvis Song Referencing a Home of Some Sort in Either the Title or the Lyrics!!!
No arbitrary rules this time, you're welcome very much. It can be an actual building, a home town, whatever. As long as the point of the song is a place where somebody or something lives.
And my totally top of my head Top Six is:
6. Madness -- Our House
Honorable mention: The CSNY song of the same name.
5. The Kinks -- Dead End Street
As in "People are living in..."
4. Talking Heads -- Once in a Lifetime
As in "You may find yourself in a shotgun shack..." I'm getting kind of predictable here, aren't I?
3. The Smashing Pumpkins -- My Blue Heaven

Yes, the Fats Domino song. It was actually an official Pumpkins b-side in Japan.
"You'll see a smiling face
A fireplace, a cozy room
A little nest
That's nestled where the roses bloom
Just Molly and me
And baby makes three
We're happy in my blue heaven"
Because we needed Billy Corgan's pretentious dyed-hair noggin yet again, obviously.
Oh, and yes, I know it's not strictly speaking a Fats Domino song.
2. Lynyrd Skynyrd -- Sweet Home Alabama
Did I say predictable? Hey, what can I tell you -- this had to be on the list.
And the numero uno paean to hearth and home quite obviously is...
1. The Guess Who -- Runnin' Back to Saskatoon

As in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, which is where they were from. Almost got a hit out of it, too. I love this song, actually, and I don't care who knows it.
Which leads us, inexorably, to -- awrighty then, what would your choice(s) be?
[Oops -- forgot my Shameless Blogwhoring: My parallel Cinema Listomania -- theme: most memorable Surrealist films, intentional or otherwise -- is now up over at Box Office. As always, if you could see your way to going over there and conning management into believing we're A-List, I'd be eternally in your debt.]
"Country Home" - Neil Young & Crazy Horse
"In This House That I Call Home" -X
"This Must Be The Place" - Talking Heads
"Strange Town" - The Jam
"Acadian Driftwood" - The Band
"My Hometown" - Brooce, "A Hard Day's Night" - Fabs, "Live With Me," -Stones.
"Born in Chicago" - Paul Butterfield
"I'm Not From Here" - James McMurtry
Local Favorites: "The Fenway" - Jonathan Richman, "Common At Noon" - The Real Kids.
-bill buckner
"Homeward Bound" of course.
thanks Steve, I had not heard the Guess Who cut - looks like I need to add another album to my wish list, blamed on this blog...
I suppose an obvious addition, given Steve and bill buckner's lists, is:
Talking Heads - "Burning Down the House" from Speaking in Tongues
Roger Miller - "King of the Road" - trailers, 8x12 four-bit rooms, boxcars, all places to live...
XTC - "No Thugs in Our House" from English Settlement
R.E.M. - "Life and How to Live It" from Fables of the Reconstruction
They Might Be Giants - "House at the Top of the Tree" from No!. A finer kid's album I have yet to hear...
bonus TMBG - "Birdhouse in Your Soul"
Tom Waits - "Come on Up to the House" from Mule Variations
The KInks - "A Long Way from Home" from Lola vs. etc.
Fountains of Wayne - "Michael and Heather at the Baggage Claim" from Traffic and Weather; they may never get home again.
Crowded House - "World Where You Live" from their 1st
The Pixies - "Palace of the Brine" from Trompe Le Monde (about a billion head)
B-52's - "52 Girls" from their 1st - a bit of a stretch, but, well, they are "the principal girls of the U.S.A.", so they must live there.
and thanks also for the previous mentions of the X, Lynyrd Skynyrd, and Simon&Garfunkel...
Bill Buckner --
The Real Kids!!!!
Posting something of theirs next a non-Bostonian I feel totally deprived that I never saw them...
"When I Get Home" and "She's Leaving Home" - Beatles
"Red House" - Jimi
"House of the Rising Sun" - Animals
Oh, and Anonymous about the Real Kids was me, obviously.
I regret the error...
Roxy Music's In Every Dream Home a Heartache...
Love the Guess Who cut, but I never cared for Madness' Our House...
Wow, people are really running on all cylinders this morning--many good ones have been mentioned. I will just add:
"Home" -- Lene Lovich ("Home is good clean living/home is....I forgot!..Let's go to your place..")
"On the Way Home"--Neil Young
"A House is Not a Motel" -- Love
And, with no apologies, "Home Tonight" -- Aerosmith
OK, how could I forget this one:
"House We Used to Live in" -- Smithereens
Wow, great list everyone! Didya hear the version of Homeword Bound done by George Harrison and Paul Simon? It was from a SNL and got released on a fund raising album of some sort. George's singing is very touching, as usual.
Our House - crosby stills & nash
Take Me Home, Country Roads - john denver
Can't Find My Way Home - blind faith
California - joni mitchell
Rainy Night House, by Joni.
Pretty much my favorite of hers ever.
The Byrds should have covered it.
Love that Joni cut, prefer the live version from Miles of Aisles with all the jazzbos making it smooth and sweet.
Back in '79, I used to tie an onion to my belt, as was the fashion at the time. Red onion, couldn't get yellow onions on account of the war.
Anyway, right around that time, NRBQ put out the wonderful "Kick Me Hard" album, on which they covered the old Rosemary Clooney hit "This Old House." They transformed it into a Sun-sounding rockabilly number that really cooked, baby.
Some UK schmuck with the moniker Shakin' Stevens heard it, copied it pretty much note-for-note, and had a hit with it over there.
It could have been NRBQ's hit, but of course they were the all-time worst-managed band in the history of the world, which is why they remain obscure to non-rock snobs. Which sucks, because at their prime, they were THE SHIT.
As you might expect, they are woefully under-represented on YouTube (bandleader Terry Adams is a noted Luddite). I'm not gonna link to that UK turd. So here's a band from Grampa Simpson's time, The Statesmen, with a so-unhip-it's-hip cover of said song.
Hey, boys, it's a wild weekend.
Shakin' Stevens is to rock and roll what David Hasselhoff is to Shakespeare.
Or something.
Love the Statesmen, though.
Lots of good stuff here today. Here's a few...
Neil Young - Don't Be Denied
Alvin Lee - I'm Going Home
Stones - 2,000 Light Years From Home
Grand Funk - I'm Your Captain
Marsha Ball - Little Blue House
Chuck Miller (and many others) - The House of Blue Lights
SRV - When the House is Rockin'
J. Geils Band - Nothin' But a House Party
David said...
OK, how could I forget this one:
"House We Used to Live in" -- Smithereens
That reminded me:
"The Little House I Used to Live In" - from Zappa's exquisitely titled Burnt Weenie Sandwich.
Brick House-commodores
House of the Rising SUn - animals
Candy's Room - springsteen
Subterranean Homesick Blues Bob Dylan
gimme shelter - stones
Take Me Home Tonight -- Eddy Money
Christmas baby please come home -darlene Love
LOve on the wrong side of town - southside johnny & the asbury jukes
I dont want to go home - southside johnny & the asbury jukes
Sloop John B: Beach Boys :
So Hoist up the John B's Sail
See how the main sail sets,
Call for the Captain, Ashore.let me go home.I want to go home!
In My Room - beach boys
Darling Be Home SOon - lovin spoonful
Two of us - beatles
"on our way back home"
respect - aretha franklin
All I'm askin' is for a little respect
When you come home
I'm partial to unpleasant depictions of home, like "In My Room" and "7 Rooms of Gloom." Undoubtedly, my all-time favorite song with house in the title is Dionne Warwick's "A House Is Not a Home." There are 73 inferior versions on You Tube, but I couldn't find the original there -- here's a lovely live version:
One of my favorite singer-songwriters, Dan Bryk, writes about home all the time, sometimes when it isn't explicit. Since there is unlikely to be a Listomania about Best Songs About Computer Game Developers, may I commend to you one of his classics, Mark Turmell v2.0, written from the pov of a computer geek residing in the basement of his parent's home? from his brilliant Lovers Leap CD.
Bryk released "Christmas Record" last year, and it's a powerful antidote to the evils of the genre.
The two most powerful songs for me, the first two, are about yearning for domesticity, "Love Me for Christmas" and especially "Cozy Evenings," which was written by Bill Pritchard, but is right in Bryk's wheelbasket -- and an answer record to Briston Palin before the fact:
Ok, if you guys are gonna go all Boston late 70s and shit, I have to go with the GREAT Neighborhoods' "No Place Like Home."
"Home Is Anywhere You Hang Your Head" - Elvis
I was surprised to see you left out "House of the Rising Sun"... I would definitely put that in ahead of "Sweet Home Alabama".
Didya hear the version of Homeword Bound done by George Harrison and Paul Simon?
I remember that very well. I always wish, though, that George had gotten the verse about "every day's an endless stream of cigarettes and magazines..." It would have resonated so much coming from him...
Oh, and no one mentioned Tom Jones' "Green Green Grass of Home"?
Ooops - speaking of Simon, forgot to mention "Keep the Customer Satisfied" ("Gee, but it's great to be back home - home is where I want to be!"), one of two exquisite Everly-esque singles he and Garfunkel made at the end of their career together (the other being "Baby Driver")...
Great lists. Most of mine have already been taken, as usual but I'd add:
Dirty Water - Standells, since we're doing the Boston theme.
Joe Cocker - The Letter
Donovan - Song of the Naturalist's Wife. As a aside, I sang this one to my daughter nearly every night as a lullaby. The last time I sang it to her, she was 14 and was freaking out about going into surgery.
Kid C -
Didn't know that one, thanks! (Saw a Neighborhoods/Mission of Burma show earlier this year which ended with Roger Miller and David Minehan trading licks on "I Wanna Be Your Dog." I can now die a happy man...)
Trademark - Love LOVE Kelly Hogan's version of "Green Green Grass" off of
"The Executioner's Last Song."
(And I generally disallow "Dirty Water," because The Standells were a California band..)
- bill buckner
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