But the boy ended his soccer season today with a 3-3 tie. It was a hoot.
Action shot!
In noncompetitive leagues, everybody gets a trophy. The boy is quite keen on this one, as it has both a hologram and a spinning ball.
Meanwhile, a bored Rosie dragged me off to the woods to explore.
This blog used to be about the babies, but since simels came on board, it's gone downhill.
Can't you trade those kids in for a couple of plushy cats?
When is Rosie's hair gonna grow back.
ntodd said...
This blog used to be about the babies, but since simels came on board, it's gone downhill.
You said it. Where does that prunefaced old jew get off nattering on about stuff almost as old as he is?
Soccer? You keep that up and pretty soon that kid is going to be wearing a beret and singing La Marseillaise!
That is a cool trophy :)
What happened to the other kid? You know, the little one? Does he not enjoy soccer?
Rosie's hair is coming back thicker, but slowly.
I have to say, the gamine look sort of suits her--her eyes look HUGE!
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