Cash Advance Loans
h/t Roy at alicublog
(My other blog is only junior high school, I expect because of all the cursing.)
Cash Advance Loans
An idiosyncratic blog dedicated to the precursors, the practioners, and the descendants of power pop. All suggestions for postings and sidebar links welcome, contact any of us.
I picture our readers as black bereted whippet-thin hepsters puffing Gauloises outside their thesis advisers office.
Well, I guess they can't smoke in the halls anymore, but you know what I mean...
I'm a sweaty lug. ;>
black bereted whippet-thin hepsters
Hmmmm... now who does that sound like?
Brooklyn Girl said...
black bereted whippet-thin hepsters
Hmmmm... now who does that sound like?
Ric Ocasek, maybe?
my place was also Junior High level, NYM, likely for the curses and dudes! and ellipses.
what's interesting is running other blog URLs through it....
My blog is very accessible being at the Jr High level. We don't need all those elitist things like "polysyllabic words" and "complete sentences." And shit.
Mine is high school level! A place I never went to. Weird.
Ric Ocasek, maybe?
Oh, he lives in the Paris of the Tri-State Metropolitan Area, too?
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