From the review: "The band seems to have taken rock vitamins; it feels alive..."
Anybody else find that as vaguely creepy a phrase as I do?
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Good lord.
And I say that as someone who has a couple of older Journey albums lurking on my iPod.
...and it's available primarily through Wal-Mart.
At the ballpark, I saw a neon red sign advertising a Dodge product with the same name as the band. That was bad enough.
Does anyone really believe that Journey album is any good?
You know, if they brought back Ross Valory for keyboards and vocals and reverted back to their pre-Perry style, they might be worth a listen. As it is, this is the same sort of crap (and sold in the same manner) as the latest piece of shit from the Eagles.
I always like how Journey bitched and moaned about Perry. You guys sure have "stretched out" since his departure, haven't you?
perhaps you mean gregg Rolie on keyboards? Ross Valory is the bass player. There is a great interview with the old manager can be found online it is funny as hell. Especially about their first drummer Aynsley Dunbar being a jail bait hound dog. Priceless!
Aynsley Dunbar? As in FZ's old drummer? My how the mighty fell.
NOOOOO! No, no, no. No Journey. Absolutely none. None whatsoever. I s Steve Perry back? If so, I must work the phrase "hideous little dwarf" into this comment.
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