Heh heh. I love that picture sleeve; in case you haven't noticed, that's Otway's head pasted (rather crudely, in those pre-Photo Shop days) over actual album cover boy Tom Jones.
In any case, as a always, a coveted PowerPop No-Prize will be awarded the first reader who gleans the clip's relevance to the theme of tomorrow's Weekend Listomania.
Um, covers of country songs?
Overly histrionic covers of country songs?
Radical reinterpretations of songs, country or otherwise?
Songs about/referring to plants?
Color (eg, green) songs?
Songs sending up the lame!
Right. Songs sending up the lame. There's a long list.
Over one strange weekend in New York City I was Otway's roadie - not a very good one, I'm afraid. It was 198...1 maybe? He played two nights at a dance club on the West Side whose name I have forgotten and then the next night at the Bottom Line opening for Squeeze. The band was a trio. He played guitar and violin and was very hard on the equipment. The guys stayed at the Iroquois Hotel on 44th Street and I slept on the floor because I was a starving singer-songwriter with no place else to sleep. I think I had made it a condition of my employment that I crash at the hotel. How I got the job I don't remember, but I was let go before the Bottom Line gig because (I think) I was big and clumsy and when I ran out on the stage to rescue whatever equipment Otway was abusing at the moment I tended to knock things over and make it all worse. He jumped on me once and wrestled me to the ground while singing "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance." After the shows (and sometimes in the afternoons) he and I would go to the same cheap restaurant near the hotel and he would always eat the same thing, fried chicken. My favorite tune of his is "Beware of the Flowers 'Cause I'm Sure They're Gonna Get You, Yeah."
Songs about marijuana.
Noope. But that was a good guess,now thatI think of it.
Songs originated by Porter Wagner? (or, Bobby Bare?)
Songs about being about to be executed? (eg, Merle Haggard, "take me back home") . . . or, about home and dying?
Songs about dreaming?
Punk versions of extremely non-punk songs? (J Loslo already kind of said that)
Albums where one group/artist crosses out another groups'/artist's name/s and insert their own(ie, The Weasels?)
Songs sung from the point of view of a dead person?
Songs about funerals?
Songs sung in no known key?
Okay -- time for a hint.
It's something in the song title.
Songs about grass?
Songs about home?
Songs with repeated words?
Colors! C-C-C-Colors!
Songs with colors in the title.
No, but the color is the clue.
Songs referencing spring/summer/seasonable weather?
songs about the environment.
Songs with Jewish surnames in the title?
Alliterative titles?
Songs with Jewish surnames in the title?
If there is one critic/blogger/pop-ethno-historian who can come up with a Listomania on that theme, it's you Steve.
- AP
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