Unfortunately, absolutely nothing from the issue is available on the mag's website, so you'll have to buy the issue to read my senile ramblings.
In any case, the shorter version is: I like what the Stones have done with the place. And here's my favorite of the bonus tracks -- an early alternate take of "Soul Survivor," sung by Keith Richards with just the right mix of on-the-nod nonchalance and nasal passion.

Fun fact: If I don't get hit by a bus or something and keep writing for S+V (assuming it stays in business) until 2012, I will have been contributing to said rag, more or less continually, for 40 years.
I agree - Keith's - as you say, "on-the-nod" vocals are a great juxtaposition to the music. Or, as Keith sings, "etcetera, etcetera, etcetera".
Sounds like the original track, Keith's work vocal, and a soon-to-be superfluous horn section.
Crap, Steve. I read that review and didn't even notice your by-line!
Thanks for the heads up!
I actually like the horn section here - gives it kind of a jaunty feel. Not sure if it's this version or the re-mix, but this even sounds like it could have been a single!
So were you 4 years old when you started writing for S+V? :)
Elroy -- yup, that was me. A genuine child prodigy. It's been all downhill since, alas.
I agree my friend. The remix is awesome.
Really a different song in his capable hands.
forty years, eh?
I suscribed to SR in early 78. Picked it because some cute chick was selling magazines.
Kept it up for years because of Stevie's reviews.
Imagine my surprise when the same cat shows up on a political message board in the real, real bleak years of the early aughts.
Rock and roll, my brother...
My only complaint is they should have turned Mick Taylor's guitar up in the mix. Aside from that...
And, hey, mazel tov, Steve! Is there any talk about getting you a gold turntable or something?
I don't know, I feel bad being the only dissenter here but hey, story of my life! I just can't get with it. You've got this really strong musical statement and Keith's whiny, meandering singing, sounding for all the world like he wandered into the wrong studio or something. Give me the one on the album any day with Mick ripping into it for all he's worth.
But more importantly––an early happy 40th to you, Steve! I started reading the mag when I was 14 (told you that, i think) and you've turned me on to more great music than any other critic in the biz! Mazel tov is right!
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