The always delightful Mike of Powerpopulist (Best. Blog. Name. Ever.) has posted the new single from The New Pornographers upcoming CD. We here at PowerPop are beyond excited. Thanks for the heads-up, Mike!
Also, it looks like they're playing Battery Park on July 4. Ah, just another excellent by-product of last fall's elections: "We have just accepted an offer to headline at Battery Park on the 4th of July in New York. We figured that America has finally come to their senses and are having Canadians help them celebrate their independence day."
Anyone want to babysit so a couple of poor pasty music bloggers can get unfortunate sunburns?
And I'll be visiting a computer with sound this weekend!
This is exciting news.
-Jay C.
Hey M? Been trying to email you.. it seems you're bouncing.
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