We've had a busy weekend of parks and street festivals and whatnot: today, we're just going to sit around the house and garden and clean. (I'm not really good at the whole "relaxing" thing--not when there's work to be done.) Enjoy!

When we went back for a second run at the bounce house, the line was prohibitive, so these yahoos bounced against the outside instead. My kids are weird.

Rosie was crushed when she was turned away from a huge blowup slide because she was too small. (Admittedly, she doesn't hear that too often, and taking no for an answer isn't her strong suit.) Some ice cream assuaged the situation temporarily.

SP loves the swing. LOVES it! But we're going through sunscreen like water.
Looks like you had a fun day, depite the big meanies at the blow-up slide :)
I've heard tell that Aveeno makes an all-day sunscreen. It's a really high spf and you're supposed to be able to go longer without re-applying. My plan is to try this out and see if there's any truth to it, of if it's just some crazy dream. Not sure if it's just for grownups or what. I'll do my field test and report back :)
Your kids are just adorable! Thanks for pictures of them -- I always enjoy how they're growing up so fast. SP always seems to have a smile on his face. That's lovely to see.
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