Or, you know, Gary Numan or Adam Ant or any of a hundred other lipsticked and blow-dried fellows from that era--there was certainly no shortage. It never fails to get the requisite "Ewwwww!" or "Mom!" Like shooting fish in a barrel.
But when she asks me what girls looked like, I don't think about the garbage-bagged souls who populated your Flock of Seagulls and Total Coelo videos. I think of The Waitresses.
On the whole, it was better to be a girl.
Oh god, did I have a thing for her back then. Hell, I had a thing for her from the voice alone, way before I even saw the video.
I actually met her in the early 90s, when she was working with a friend of mine at a music publisher. Very nice woman...drank a bit, which of course I found charming.
Patty Donahue, RIP.
boys dressed like that when i was her age, too. strangely, i wanted to dress like the boys rather than the girls of whom i was a member...err...am. (snarf!) i just said member. i even dressed up like adam ant (war paint and all) on halloween in the 8th grade. strangelier still, i dress like patty donahue now. i guess i figured out that these lips aren't going to kiss themselves. well, actually...maybe i should move this comment to the 'pictures of lilly' post...
Note to Teen:This is what girls actually looked like back then.
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